3 Tips For Preplanning Your Funeral

Posted on: 23 September 2015
If you want to ensure you have the funeral service of your choosing, you should consider planning it yourself. This will allow you to be in control of the entire service and plan it the way you want it to be. The benefits of preplanning your funeral are many and knowing some specific tips to help you do so are sure to come in handy. Tip #1: Determine your budget
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Should You Crowdfund A Funeral?

Posted on: 18 September 2015
When you have a loved one that dies, affording the funeral you truly want to give them can prove to be a burden. Even if you were left some money from their life insurance policy, you might be shocked by how expensive some funerals are. You have the option of crowdfunding, which allows you to get donations from multiple people to help pay for it. Here are some things to consider if you might want to crowdfund the funeral.
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A Few Tips for Saving Money on a Funeral

Posted on: 17 September 2015
If you are in charge of planning a funeral for a loved one, you might wonder how you are going to be able to pull it off without going broke. Maybe there was not a lot of money left behind for funeral arrangements or you simply would like to invest the majority of that money into something else, such as the care for young children that may have been left behind.
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4 Advantages To Taking Care Of Funeral Planning Now

Posted on: 15 September 2015
If you've been putting off your funeral planning needs, it may be because the topic is stressful for you to think about. Many people put off their planning because they assume there will always be time to do so and they don't want to deal with the uncomfortable discussions that come with planning. It's a good idea to handle your funeral plans now so that you can benefit in many ways.
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