Planning Your Funeral And Burial: Ways To Save Your Relatives Money

Posted on: 14 April 2016
If you are like many people, the thought of your own death can be uncomfortable to deal with. However, to help your family and other loved ones during that time, it may be a good idea for you to do some planning for your funeral and burial. This can be particularly helpful because grieving families might make emotional spending choices that could negatively affect their finances. Use the following pointers to help them avoid that.
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Four Reasons Cremation Is The Best Option For Modern Families

Posted on: 3 March 2016
Cremation has experienced a great surge of popularity over the past years. It's become a frequently used alternative to traditional burial, and more and more Americans are choosing cremation for themselves or their loved ones. The recent figures for cremation are over 40%! One of the reasons for cremation's burgeoning success is that it fits in with modern schedules and lifestyles and modern family life better than traditional burial does. Although some still go the old-fashioned route, cremation is increasingly the most feasible and attractive option for the modern American.
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Three Headstone Trends That Help Graveside Visitors Remember The Deceased

Posted on: 5 February 2016
If you're planning your funeral and picking out the coffin, flowers, and other service features that you want, you know you'll also have to design your headstone. If you're planning to be buried at a cemetery (as opposed to being cremated or being buried on other private property), you may be restricted in what you can put on your headstone to an extent. However, there are some trends that could help you personalize your headstone so that future grave visitors know more about you and your tastes.
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How To Help A Child Cope With Loss Of A Parent

Posted on: 25 January 2016
Children may be resilient, but after a catastrophic event like the death of a parent, many children will need help coping with their grief. In this terrible time, children respond best when they can feel safe, secure and when they are reassured that they have an adequate support system. These tips will help you provide these things for a child who has recently lost a parent. Give Reassurance After a parent dies, many children will experience anxiety in addition to their grief.
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