What Is A Pre-Need Funeral Arrangement And What Are The Benefits?

Posted on: 19 October 2015
Many people start to think about pre-need funeral arrangements when they reach an older age or when they're diagnosed with a terminal illness. The more you know about pre-need funeral arrangements and how they can benefit you, the easier it will be to decide if a pre-need funeral arrangement is right for you. What is a pre-need funeral arrangement? A pre-need funeral is a service that you plan for yourself before you die.
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3 Unique Cremation Keepsakes To Honor A Sports Lover

Posted on: 15 October 2015
Whether it's out on the field or as a spectator, sports are often a huge passion for many people's lives. As a loved one passes away, their love for sports is often honored through the passion and knowledge they give to loved ones. As you complete the funeral planning process, the celebration of their life can also be enhanced through a memorial keepsake. To help make an urn or keepsake more personal, there are multiple ways you can enhance it with a sports theme in mind.
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Brush Up On Your Funeral Etiquette With These Three Crucial Rules

Posted on: 12 October 2015
Attending a funeral service or a visitation is never easy, especially if you had a close relationship with the person whose death you're mourning. As challenging as the event might be for you, it's always important to remember that the deceased person's family is enduring a difficult time, too. Your presence can lend a supportive shoulder to the family during this trying time, especially if you're careful to follow funeral etiquette rules.
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4 Ways To Make A Funeral More Personalized

Posted on: 5 October 2015
If you are planning a funeral service for your loved one, you will want to be sure that you are fully prepared to make it memorable and personal. Here are four ways to help personalize the funeral: Serve the Right Food: If there was a food that your loved one always loved to cook or to eat, then you should serve that after the funeral to the guests. You can have someone tell a story about the food and why it was special to your loved one and more.
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