The 3 Individual People You Need To Pay For A Funeral

Posted on: 15 July 2016
When planning a funeral for a loved one, it can be a little confusing to know whose services you'll need to pay for. Besides the hosting location for the funeral and the funeral home that is taking care of your loved one's body, here are three people you should pay that will play a part in the funeral process for your loved one. Religious Personnel If you have a member of a religious organization preside over your loved one's funeral, you need to compensate them for their time.
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Why Is Cremation Becoming So Popular?

Posted on: 7 July 2016
It used to be that few considered cremation for their loved ones. Now, cremations are becoming much more common than full burials in certain parts of the country. The demand is growing considerably, causing funeral homes to showcase urns rather than caskets. Not sure which option is for you? These are a few reasons why so many people are thinking about cremation today: Tradition Is Not as Strong as it Once Was
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How To Help A Bereaved Family Before A Funeral

Posted on: 27 June 2016
The loss of a loved one is one of the most stressful things that can ever happen to a human being. While a funeral itself is an opportunity to express grief and celebrate the life of the person who passed away, the time before a funeral can be especially stressful. By stepping in and helping a bereaved family during this time, you can comfort them in a way that they always remember and alleviate some of their worries.
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Three Financial Factors To Think Of When Planning For Cremation In Advance

Posted on: 10 June 2016
You can plan for your own cremation and memorial service decades in advance, an option many Americans choose to help them stay in control of the process and make it easier on the surviving family. One common aspect of planning for your own cremation involves making sure to designate financial resources to cover the funeral expenses, often by purchasing a designated insurance policy. Here are three financial factors to consider during this planning stage.
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